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HUS File Format Converter

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Online converters claiming instant image-to-embroidery file conversion are FAKE. Achieving accurate results requires manual expertise from professionals like image2emb, who understand fabric, size, threads, stitching, and machines.

Hus file converter is a service that allows images, designs, or logos into Hus file format for embroidery digitizing. These logos are in different formats and need to be converted manually into HUS files. Users need .hus file conversion for their embroidery which includes the left chest logo, sleeves digitizing, jacket back and front hat. If you are using a Viking Husqvarna embroidery machine for your embroidery business then you may need someone who manages your embroidery designs conversion in HUS format to be compatible with the Husqvarna machine.

Use our HUS file converter into your business operations to simplify the embroidery digitizing process. There are so many people who have several creative ideas for getting their embroidery design or pattern sewn out on their clothes. From apparel manufacturers to event planners and even any fashion enthusiast, individuals would love to get their favorite designs embroidered without compromising on the quality. So buckle up as you are about to explore the coolest way of getting any image, logo, or design sewn out on any clothes. Avail the opportunity to help you understand HUS file conversion service that can convert any file format like PDF, JPG, PNG, and more into HUS file format, embroidery machine. In this way, our customers can get their design embroidery done using a wide range of formats, thereby experiencing endless creative possibilities.

The HUS file format stores the necessary information required by the embroidery machines to sew out the desired designs. The technical aspect of the HUS file format includes instructions regarding stitch coordinates, color, stitch type, and several other parameters. Once you select the image that you want to get embroidered, our HUS file conversion service helps by converting that image into machine-readable language. Our HUS file converter allows users to pick any placement of their choice to get their design embroidered. Whether you want your design on the left chest, neckline, jacket back, or anywhere else, we can be sure that you’ll end up loving our HUS file converter service. The HUS file format is mainly compatible with it. However, compatibility may also vary as it depends on numerous factors like the generation and model of embroidery machines.

HUS Conversion Online From any Format

Our HUS file conversion service is that its use is not only limited to getting the clothes embroidered. The HUS file format has a wider scope than you may have realized. Other than using it for your garments to enhance their aesthetic appeal, you may also use our service on your sweatshirts, hoodies, trousers, caps, and more. Many small businesses can use our services to get personalized uniforms, cute celebrity outfits, bags, handkerchiefs, and even hats. Embroidery is also quite common among companies that make athletic apparel to add logos and players names on caps, jerseys, and other sportswear. HUS file format conversion saves our user’s time, which they can invest in focusing on their core business objectives. All this is made easy and exciting with our HUS file converter.

Converting Steps into HUS File for Machine Embroidery

Step 1

Upload File

You can select the file you want to convert from your smartphone, computer, Google Drive, Dropbox or simply drag and drop it onto the page.

Step 2

Select to HUS

Choose HUS or any of the other 200+ supported formats you’d like
to convert to.

Step 3

Download file

Once we digitized your file for embroidery, we send it to you via email and WhatsApp.

Step 4

Fill form

Please fill all form fields specially description where you mention any specific detail.

Step 5

Get notified

Your image will be assigned to one of our digitizers and they will start working on your image.

Step 6

Download your HUS file

Please wait for the conversion to complete, then click on the download button to obtain your converted file in the HUS format

How To Use HUS File After Converted by image2emb?

Image 1

Check your Email/phone: Our digitizer sends you the .hus file extension. You also get PDF where you understand how your embroidery machine read your file. You also get the colors, stitches, coordinates, jumps, total bobbins and much more.

Image 2

Download Design to USB: Download .hus File into your USB. Make sure your USB must have the file that your machine brand accepts like in this case hus.

Image 3

Plug USB to Machine: Once you successfully downloaded file now its time to connect your usb to your machine. Set your Placement on the hoop and start digitizing.

Why i2e HUS File Conversion For Your Embroidery?

Computerized Digitizing

We do PRS conversion by paid embroidery software’s and skilled digitizers.

You Don’t need software and skills

You don’t own any paid licensed software’s, skills and time.

Focus on Your Production

We send you all digitized designs whether they are single or in bulk quantity. All you need you to focus on your marketing and other business processes.

More Designs More Discount

The more you send us designs for
converting into HUS the more discount we give you on our HUS conversion service.

File Security

The conversion is only between you and our dedicated digitizer no third party involve. We never use your design for our portfolio.

Fast Turnaround time

We usually takes 4-5 hrs depending on complexity for any design to HUS conversion. Keep patience you will get high quality digitized files.

FAQ About HUS File Converter

What is the cost of converting a design into the HUS file format?

The hus file format cost depends on the number of stitches and the complexity of the logo. Usually, it’s $10 to $15 for left chest and hats that are under 5 inches in size. If the size exceeds 5 inches, then it comes under the category of jacket back, which costs $25 to $50.

Do I need to pay again for the same logo but a different file format?

No, never! You will simply ask us what file formats you need along with the .hus file. We will attach that format too without charging any single penny.

How do I get a discount?

The more designs you send us, the more discount we offer you. If you are sure that you have long-term work, then simply email us to align a dedicated digitizer for you.

Do I need software to run or see the hus file?

Not necessary. We send you the HUS file along with JPEG and PDF formats. In the JPEG, you will see the digitized logo, and in the PDF, you will find all the details such as stitch count, colors, stopper, and additional information. All you need to do is run the HUS file on your embroidery machine.